Los CFDs son instrumentos complejos y conllevan un alto riesgo de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 81.3% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero al operar CFDs con este proveedor. Debes considerar si comprendes cómo funcionan los CFD y si puedes permitirte asumir el alto riesgo de perder tu dinero.

¿Cómo aseguro mi VPS de Pepperstone?

To ensure safety for your Pepperstone VPS, you must change your password the first time you log in, making sure that you choose a unique combination and do not share your password with others or between applications. Your new password should be a minimum of 8 characters and contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number. 

Most importantly, you must use the VPS for your own trading purposes. Sharing VPS login details with others can expose your account and funds to security and other risks.