差價合約(CFD)是複雜的工具,由於槓桿作用,存在快速虧損的高風險。81.4% 的散戶投資者在與該提供商進行差價合約交易時賬戶虧損。 您應該考慮自己是否了解差價合約的原理,以及是否有承受資金損失的高風險的能力。

How can I control margin call and stop out notification emails?

To change whether you receive an email notification, log into your secure client area. Click on the cog icon located to the right of your trading account number and select Notifications. Here you'll be able to control your margin call and stop out preferences.

These preferences are only available for MT4/MT5 trading accounts, and each trading account can set its own preferences.



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