差價合約(CFD)是複雜的工具,由於槓桿作用,存在快速虧損的高風險。81.3% 的散戶投資者在與該提供商進行差價合約交易時賬戶虧損。 您應該考慮自己是否了解差價合約的原理,以及是否有承受資金損失的高風險的能力。

Switching between accounts (Webtrader)

Note: In this procedure, the word ‘click’ refers to either a click or a tap.

1. The ID of your current, and the currency in which it is traded, is shown near the top right of the window:

Click on the down arrow at the right of the account information. A list of your accounts appears (with your current account coloured orange):

2. Either select the account you want to switch to, or click Add Account to set up a new account (demo or trading).