CFD là công cụ phức tạp và có nguy cơ mất tiền nhanh chóng do đòn bẩy. 81.4% tài khoản nhà đầu tư bán lẻ bị mất tiền khi giao dịch CFD với nhà cung cấp này. Bạn nên cân nhắc xem bạn có hiểu cách hoạt động của CFD hay không và liệu bạn có đủ khả năng chấp nhận rủi ro mất tiền cao hay không.

Zero commission. Infinite opportunities.

Open a Razor account and pay $0 commission on your first 20 trades.*

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Why Pepperstone?

Low spreads

Benefit from industry-leading low spreads from 0.0 pips on our Razor account.

Seamless trading

Trade across multiple devices and enjoy lightning-fast execution speeds.

Confidence and security

Pepperstone is an ASIC and FCA-regulated broker with segregated client funds.

Razor account features

Spread typePrices direct from multiple liquidity providers
Typical EUR/USD spreadFrom 0.0 pips
Min / Max Trade Size0.01 lots/100 lots
CommissionAU$3.5 per 100k traded
Leverage available1:1 - 500:1
Min account opening balance$200 AUD or equivalent in your preferred currency
Account base currencies availableAUD, USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, CAD, CHF, NZD, SGD, HKD
Scalping allowedYes
EAs allowedYes
Hedging allowedYes

Trading on our Razor account

Get more out of every market opportunity with our most popular trading account.

  • Access raw spreads from 0.0 pips
  • Enjoy the flexibility to trade down to 0.01 lots
  • Give your trading an edge with lightning-fast execution speeds

Trade our lowest spreads commission-free

Sign up for a Razor account today and pay $0 commission on your first 20 trades.*

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Start trading commission-free today

Opening a Razor account is easy. Apply in minutes, even with a small deposit. Start your Pepperstone journey today and pay $0 commission on your first 20 trades*.

^Investment Trends 2019 Australia Leverage Trading Report

*This promotion is available to new Pepperstone clients only.