Risk warning: Trading CFDs and FX carries significant risk and is not suitable for everyone. You have no ownership of the underlying asset. Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited is regulated by the DFSA. Arranging for Pepperstone Group Limited, AFSL 414530, the product issuer.
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Ways to trade

Professional Clients

Am I eligible to become a professional client?

To enjoy all the benefits of Pepperstone Pro, you'll need to meet both, the Experience and Wealth criteria, as detailed below.

Criteria 1

You need to have regularly traded over the last year, placing at least 40 leveraged trades with a minimum notional value of $50,000

Criteria 1

Minimum net assets of $1 million



Criteria 2

You need to provide us with proof of employment in a regulated financial institution. Your position must demonstrate knowledge of derivatives trading and you should have worked in this role for at least 2 years.

Criteria 2

Financial portfolios, secondary properties and other tangible assets worth $1 million or more.

If you’re eligible, it’s simple:

1. If you're new to Pepperstone, you can open an account here

2. If you're an existing client, simply log into your secure client area

3. Select Pepperstone Pro in the top right-hand-side of the screen

4. Click Qualify as a Professional Client in the top right-hand side of your secure client area to register

5. Start Trading

What Protections Do Pro Clients Lose?

As a Pepperstone Pro, the following restrictions won't apply to you:

  • Lower leverage implemented;
  • Compulsory margin close-out at 50%;
  • Retail negative balance protection
  • Retail disclosure information

We’re not required under the Corporations Act to provide wholesale clients with access to our Internal Dispute Resolution process but we’ll still make this service available to you at no cost.

While you can still access the external dispute resolution providers Australian Financial Complaints Authority (‘AFCA’) and Dubai Financial Services Authority (‘DFSA’) you may be treated differently given your status as an experienced wholesale investor and your matter may be excluded at AFCA or DFSA’s discretion.

There’s no requirement to issue you a product disclosure statement (PDS), financial services guide (FSG), and disclosures (although these will remain available on our website for you to review).

We may assume a level of knowledge and experience when assessing whether our products are appropriate for you.

The risks and other important information are detailed in the Wholesale Client Information Statement.

Key features

Relationship Manager

We’ll provide you with a dedicated Relationship Manager to look after all of your trading needs.

Active Trader Program

For clients trading high volumes, receive rebates on your trading expenses.

Increased leverage

Trade with leverage up to 500:1 on FX and 200:1 on Indices.

Exclusive events

You’ll be invited to exclusive events, where you’ll have the chance to socialise with like-minded professional traders.

Large size execution

Ability to place larger trades in one click.

Credit facilities

Offering greater flexibility (subject to approval).

Premium rewards

When you introduce other traders to us.

Pepperstone Pro account leverage

A Pepperstone Pro account enables you more flexibility on leverage.

Instrument Retail Professional
Forex Major 1:30 Up to 1:500
Forex Minor 1:20 Up to 1:500
Forex NDF1:10Up to 1:10
Major Indices 1:20 Up to 1:400
Minor Indices 1:10 Up to 1:100
Currency Indices 1:5Up to 1:200
Gold 1:20 Up to 1:500
Metals 1:10 Up to 1:500
Energies 1:10 Up to 1:143
Soft Commodities 1:10 Up to 1:50
Cryptocurrencies 1:2 Up to 1:10
BTCUSD1:2Up to 1:100
ETHUSD1:2Up to 1:100
Stocks & ETFs 1:5 Up to 1:20

How do I register as a professional client?

You'll need to need to meet both criteria above. If you qualify, follow these easy steps to register:

  1. If you're new to Pepperstone, you can open an account here. If you're an existing client, simply log into your secure client area.
  2. Click Qualify as a Professional Client in the top right-hand side of your secure client area to register
  3. Start trading

Frequently asked questions

Start trading as a professional today

Apply or upgrade your account in minutes.