Volatility trading: how to navigate market moves
Join Pepperstone Talks: Trading the headlines online on Wednesday 8th June to discover how the biggest names in the financial world are navigating market volatility.
Wednesday 8th June, 6:30pm - 9:00pm BST
Hear from the widely acclaimed John Bollinger, who will be deconstructing his invention, the Bollinger Band, and providing actionable strategies on trading FX and commodities patterns using this key indicator.
Other expert analysts include Mark Holstead, Daniel Lacalle, Jeroen Blokland, Adam Linton and Robert Carver who will share strategies for trading current global economic themes and upcoming high impact events.
Perché partecipare ai Pepperstone Talks?
Che tu sia un principiante o un trader professionista.
Ottieni risposte alle tue domande da pionieri nel campo del trading e degli investimenti.
L’inasprimento delle banche centrali, l’inflazione dilagante, le tendenze dei cambi e delle materie prime e altro ancora.
*These speakers are not endorsed by Pepperstone and any views they express are their own.