Risk warning: Trading CFDs and FX carries significant risk and is not suitable for everyone. You have no ownership of the underlying asset. Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited is regulated by the DFSA. Arranging for Pepperstone Group Limited, AFSL 414530, the product issuer.

Execution venue information

MiFID II data

Information on execution venues

Class of InstrumentCFDs
Notification if < 1 average trade per business day in the previous yearN
Top five execution venues ranked in terms of trading volumes (descending order)Proportion of volume traded as a percentage of total in that classProportion of orders executed as percentage of total in that classPercentage of passive ordersPercentage of aggressive ordersPercentage of directed orders
Pepperstone Group Limited (LEI: 213800BZWZ35NF1SXD43)*10010001000

*Pepperstone provides for institutional grade trading with interbank pricing and liquidity. The firm utilises top-tier prime of primes to ensure that Pepperstone clients are always receiving competitive pricing and deep liquidity available in the market.

Summary information

Pepperstone Limited in accordance with its order execution policy takes a number of factors into consideration in achieving best execution and in particular price and costs (total consideration) as key factors for both its retail and professional clients. The firm is a subsidiary of Pepperstone Group Limited, a regulated entity under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (‘ASIC’) and acts as principal to all trades. Prices provided on its platforms are determined by those available in the underlying market. Pepperstone Limited monitors its execution quality regularly and against reference values to maintain its high standards of quality execution.

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