Risk warning: Trading CFDs and FX carries significant risk and is not suitable for everyone. You have no ownership of the underlying asset. Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited is regulated by the DFSA. Arranging for Pepperstone Group Limited, AFSL 414530, the product issuer.

Viewing a chart (mobile)

When you display an instrument, a chart of the instrument’s price movements appears.

You can:

  • display the chart in full-screen mode by tapping in the top right corner
  • swipe left (or right) to bring earlier (or later) times into view
  • zoom in or out by tapping on a zoom control:
  • increase or decrease the price increments by dragging the prices in the price axis up or down
  • increase or decrease the time increments by dragging the times in the time axis left or right
  • add one or more indicators
  • change the time series
  • change the appearance of the chart.