Risk warning: Trading CFDs and FX carries significant risk and is not suitable for everyone. You have no ownership of the underlying asset. Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited is regulated by the DFSA. Arranging for Pepperstone Group Limited, AFSL 414530, the product issuer.

Searching for an instrument (Webtrader)

Personal watchlists and charts have a search field at the right of their title. This field will either be filled with Symbol… or with the symbol of the instrument currently displayed:

Note: In this procedure, the word ‘click’ refers to either a click or a tap.

1. Click in the search field (and delete the symbol if one is displayed).

2. Enter part or all of the symbol or description of the instrument you are searching for. A list of matching instruments appears:

3. To see the instruments in just a specific asset class, click on the name of that class at the top of the list (Cryptocurrencies, Equities, Forex Exotics, etc.).

4. Click the relevant instrument.