Linking panels (Webtrader)
You can set up your workspace so that when you open a panel (such as a watchlist), a panel that you have linked to it (such as a chart) also opens. This is done by tagging the panels that you want to be linked with the same link colour. There are seven link colours.
Note: In this procedure, the word ‘click’ refers to either a click or a tap.
1. Open one panel in the group of panels you want to be linked.
2. Click the link widget icon on the top bar of the panel:
A dropdown menu of link colours appears.
Select a colour. The link widget symbol on the bar of the panel is replaced by the colour chosen:
3. Select a panel you want linked to the panel whose link colour you have just set.
4. Follow steps 2 and 3 above and assign the panel the same link colour (blue in the example above).
5. If you want to link more panels, repeat from step 4.