تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات والعملات ينطوي على مخاطر وغير مناسب للجميع. أنت لا تملك المنتج الأساسي. Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited مرخصة من قبل سلطة دبي للخدمات المالية (DFSA). جهة إصدار المنتج: Pepperstone Group Limited ، AFSL 414530

The Importance of Winning

Hear from Pepperstone Talks key-note speaker Greg Rusedski on the importance of winning both in tennis and trading!

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Greg Rusedski on the Similarities Between Tennis and Trading

Winning isn't always pretty, the outcome is important both in tennis and trading.

Difficult Decisions and Being Open to Change by Greg Rusedski

Making the necessary difficult decisions and being open to change can lead to far superior performance.

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