Tight spreads. Low fees. Deep liquidity.
We use multiple liquidity providers from Tier 1 Banks and other financial institutions to bring you razor-sharp pricing, low commissions on forex, and low-latency execution, so you can focus on what matters. View spreads on popular markets.
Why Pepperstone?
Globally, we're awarded by
Our sponsored partnerships
Global Tennis Ambassador. Former World No.1 and seven-time grand slam singles champion.
Global Pepperstone Ambassador. Australian, world ranked Top 10 player and holder of 8 career titles.
Sharpen your trading edge
*Investment Trends, Australia Leverage Trading Report 2023
24 hour trading:
^24 hour trading 5 days of the week. Trading begins on Sunday at 20:00 ET and ends on Friday at 17:00 ET. After hours begin from 4:00 AM ET to 9:30 AM for pre-market and from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET for post-market. Over night hours are between 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM.
*For exact timings, please refer to the instrument specifications within the trading terminal. 24-hour trading on select US stocks only.
^Other fees and charges apply.
^^All spreads are generated from data between 01/07/2024 and 31/07/2024.
**The Pepperstone group of companies have clients in over 160 countries.
Note: The prices shown on the mobile and laptop models are for illustrative purposes only.